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러시아,중앙아시아 에이전시 구합니다

페이지 정보

작성자 강남메디컬 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일13-03-12 11:29
조회4,840회 댓글0건


한국 서울에 있는
강남메디컬 주식회사 입니다
보건복지부에 등록된 회사 입니다 

의료관광(Medical Tourism) 회사이며, 각종 질환 치료를 위한 최적의 병원선택과 예약, 진료비용 협의 등
한국으로 수술과 치료를 위하여 방문하는 외국환자를 위한 종합적인 의료서비스 회사입니다
강남메디컬은  삼성의료원, 현대아산병원, 순천향의과대학 종합병원, 연세세브란스병원, 한양대병원, 백병원, 한림대학종합병원, 가천의대종합병원, 가통릭의과대학강남성모병원 등 종합병원과 업무제휴가 되어 있으며,  전문병원으로는 성형수술은  원진성형외과전문병원(성형전담 의사 13명), 척추전문병원 나누리, 윌스, 척병원, 화상전문병원인  영등포성모병원, 불임시술전문병원인  분당 차병원, 마리아병원, 미즈메디병원,  줄기세포치료전문병원인  미즈메디병원, 기타 치과, 안과등  종합병원과  전문병원 모두 업무제휴가 되어있읍니다

1. 한국의 의료기술, 의료장비 수준은  세계 정상급 수준이며,  특히 불임치료 부분은
    세계 최 정상 수준이며(미국보다 우수함)
    한국의 병원들은  서로 치열한 경쟁을 하고 있어서
최신 의료기술을 가장 빨리 습득하고
최신 의료장비와 기계들을  다른 병원보다 먼저 설치하여  병원을 경영하고
기술과 시설면에서  세계적인 수준입니다
2. 의료비용은  미국 의료비의 1/2 내지 1/3 ~ 1/4 수준입니다
3. 언어소통에 문제가 없읍니다

미국에서 여행사에서 일을 한 경력자
미국 의료보험 분야에서 일을 한 경력자
보건,의료, 의원에서 일을 한 경력자로서

미주지역에서 의료관광 지사 또는 Personal 에이전트로 활동 할 수 있는 분 연락 바랍니다
의료관광은 의료비용이 고액이며, Personal Agent 수수료는 의료비용의 10~ 35% 가 적용됩니다
이메일 또는 전화 연락 바랍니다
전화 82-17-203-5589

 미국의 에이전시 현황을 참고하시면 의료관광에 대하여 이해하시는데 도움이 되실 것입니다 



The Kangnam Medical Tourism Company Info

Appropriate for the patient's condition, university general hospitals, private specialist clinics and hospital advisory and consulting
Communications support services for the hospital  and the patient's symptoms
Reservation for Treatment, Surgery and cost consultation support services.
Accommodations, shopping, incidental, part of Advisory and Consulting

Would you have Experience the Korea's World Top class Medical Care  ?

1. Modern & Finest medical facilities and world-Top class University Hospitals in Korea , University Hospitals of Seoul, Sunchenhwang, Yonsei , Gil , Hanyang , Bak, Korea, Hallym, and  Hyundai Asan, Samsung General Medical Center, CHA general hospitals, Samsung general Hospital,etc. medical services in collaboration

2. Korea have world's leading medical technology formation about stem cell therapy, cosmetic plastic surgery, joint, Lasik Ophthalmology, womans test-tube baby, infertility treatment, such as hair transplant, in certain areas and hospitals  medical services are Excellent too.

3. The Korea witch made first time embryonic stem cells in the world , possesses the technical capabilities of the world's highest level in the field of application of stem cells,

4. Korean  is the world's highest level in the field of surgery fine, such as plastic cosmetic surgery to  the highest level in the world that require    precise control of the stste-of-the-art equipment and techniques delicate

5. The World-Top-Class of technology in the field of stem cells that require sophisticated technology, test-tube baby, joints, hair, and LASIK

6. State-of-the-art medical equipment and facilities services enough and various

7. Provide friendly, and comfortable medical services and medical tourism packages language communication

Care and Surgery. Treatments Category

1. Severe disease treatment and surgery
2. Physical examination, Analysis of hair
3. Plastic Costemic Surgery
4. Stem cell cosmetic surgery
5. Anti-aging stem cells
6. Knee stem cell therapy,Surgery
7. Cardiovascular Therapeutics
8. Obstetrics and Gynecology, cosmetic surgery, stem cells forming
9. Treatment of infertility, artificial insemination, test-tube baby.
10. Burns treatment, skin Reconstructive Surgery
11. Radiation treatment of cancer


Personal agent possibility seems the best queso Sok Han Multy-job

Medical Agency LTD located in Gangnam, Seocho-dong, Seoul
Medical Tourism is a corporation to attract foreign patients No. 0593 registration of the Ministry of Health and Medacal Korea

Samsung Medical Center, Hyundai Asan Hospital, Suncheon Township Medical University General Hospital, Yonsei University Severance Hospital, Hanyang University Hospital, Paik Hospital, Hallym University General Hospital, Gil Hospital, such as St. Mary's Hospital Medical Gangnam Gangnam Medical University Gatonrikku We have a partnership with General Hospital (13 people doctor orthopedic) hospital specializing in orthopedic engines, specialty hospitals, the plastic surgery St. Mary's Hospital, Yeongdeungpo Nanuri specialized hospital spine, virus, hospital chuck is a specialized hospital burn , the operations of both the General Hospital and specialist hospital dentistry, and ophthalmology, and other hospital is a hospital specialty hospital Mizumedi tea per minute, Maria Hospital, hospital Mizumedi, stem cell therapy in a hospital specializing in the treatment of infertility partnership has been

I know generally wrong Speaking of medical tourism, plastic surgery and most
Only a part of the fact, plastic surgery is about 35% of the entire foreign patients, plastic surgery, NIH statistics of Korea, and the rest is all surgical patients
Many surgical treatment, medical treatment, health diagnosis, cancer surgery, treatment, treatment of burns, spine, joint, stem cell therapy, infertility treatment, LASIK surgery and it is much that is

Gangnam Medical business about

It is to connect South Korean hospital, doctors, medical staff and foreign patients all over the world, and the services to be received surgery and treatment of patients

To proceed to work with foreign branches of medical Gangnam, distributors and agents in other words
Gangnam Medical headquarters the day of treatment, depending on the type and condition of the patient's disease foreigners in Korea, find out the medical staff and an excellent hospital is best suited for surgery
before the patient arrived in South Korea, and transmitted to the doctor to discuss the state of the patient's disease
Promoting two-way consultation foreign branches, agencies, agents and surgical methods, methods of treatment, such as treatment duration and cost of treatment along with the doctor
while the patient is staying in Korea for treatment, and the problems of accommodation
Promoting consultation together on behalf of the foreign patients the hospital and all the things related to treatment
To service all the steps to finish the treatment leaving patients to immigration
It is the task of comprehensive medical support services

Medical tourism,

Due to the nature of the business, rather than selling the necessities of life
Because it is an area that does not feel the need must be a person requiring treatment,
You to visit the people who do not need, or meet or advertising, and advertising,
For cost, is an area with very little results

Foreign branches of business, agency, personal agents are

1. Plastic surgery in conjunction travel agency, travel agencies and guides, attract patients, such as cosmetic surgery
2. To leverage partnerships and personal physician or hospital director, attract surgical patients
3. Business support services and patient contact with the head office of Korea for a patient for the treatment of infantile
4. Branch commission, agency, agent occurs

As well as the tourism industry, branch, personal agents commission  is based on fee income mainly in the field of medical tourism

However, in terms of imports,

Customers of medical tourism, medical expenses or more cancer treatment (monetary Korea), in some cases, such as liver transplantation, since more than 1,000 US dollers at least 100,000 US dollers
It is a reality in significant fee
Commission agent
medical expenses x 10-35%  = agent commission

About the level of hospital  of South Korea,

Korea has mastered the art of hospital treatment tip earlier than other hospitals to survive while the fierce competition,
Operates a hospital while to first install the latest medical equipment competitively,
Treatment costs have been kept low

Such results may have been created, and finally
It is that the global competitiveness of the medical services are now provided in natural

Technical competitiveness of Korean medical services is the highest level in the world,
It is also the world's best competitive price

In order to have a competitive edge in the medical services of other countries, but should be to reform the national health care system
Changing the health care system of the country is almost impossible reality of population rebound doctor

I will deliver for reference

I will send you a pdf document and other medical catalog, Gangnam
Unit cost of U.S. health care costs,
If you look at the U.S. site medical tourism medical tourism, an understanding of medical tourism will become easier




Thank you!


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